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How to make of responsive design in react native



<View style={style.headr}>
      onPress={() => navigation.goBack()}
      <Image style={style.backimg} source={require("../img/back.png")} />
    <Text style={{ fontSize: 23, marginLeft: deviceWidth/5, color: '#fff' ,}}>Notification</Text>


headr: {
    width: "100%",
    height: 100,
    backgroundColor: '#3C79F5',
    elevation: 2,
    alignItems: 'center',
    flexDirection: 'row',

here is img


I want Img 1 output but when i try to is look like Img2 output

how to do full responsiv output like img1

For responsive height, width, margin, padding.. you can use this npm


For responsive font size, you can go with this npm


Regarding design issue you are facing, we can only inform after you put all code that you did

As you added code for style of headr then it looks like borderBottomLeftRadius pending to curv from bottom left side same as right one to match expect result

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