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What is the correct IP address conversion from number?

I am trying to convert number into IP address using powershell method and checking same online, I am getting 2 different result.


number = 16812043
result1 = #using powershell
result2 = #https://codebeautify.org/decimal-to-ip-converter

I have tried below code

function Convert-NumberToIP

    [Int64] $numberInt = 0
    if([Int64]::TryParse($number, [ref]$numberInt))
        if(($numberInt -ge 0) -and ($numberInt -le 0xFFFFFFFFl))
            ([IPAddress] $numberInt).ToString()

Convert-NumberToIP -number 16812043

I am getting 2 different result not sure which 1 is correct, or should I update the function.

Use the IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder() method to flip the endianness of the octets represented by your decimal number:

PS ~> [ipaddress]::new([ipaddress]::NetworkToHostOrder(16812043)).IPAddressToString

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