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Is there a way to install a lighter version of opencv?

Is there a way to install a lighter version of opencv on pi pico? If not, is there a way to install opencv library on an SD card and make pico to fetch those library files from that SD card?

I am trying to record video using a OV7670 camera module and save the video it to SD card. Later I need to upload the video to a custom AWS server. I have the modules to capture images in micropython but can not find any modules or libraries to record video.

No. OpenCV is a huge library, with many moving parts. Even if there is a minimal version of OpenCV, I highly doubt that the 2MB of flash memory of the RP2040 will be enough for your use case. Coupling this alongside the limited number of cores, internal RAM, etc. of the CPU, you will probably end up with nothing. From what I know, you can use TinyML with MicroPython.

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