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How can I read a property from the command line and use it in my Gradle build.gradle.kts?

Sorry if this is obvious, I'm new to Gradle and I'd like to include the latest git commit tag in my builds.

So far I have this task that simply outputs the string I want to save.

tasks.register<Exec>("get-git-latest") {
    args("log", "--oneline", "-1", "--format=format:%h", ".")

Ideally I'd like to get this output into a variable that can be reused by other Gradle tasks, what is the best way to do this with Kotlin DSL? Any suggestions are welcome.

Upon revisitng the question that @aSemy linked, I was able to get the value into a variable in my Kotlin DSL like so:

val gitLatestCommit: String = ByteArrayOutputStream().use { outputStream ->
    project.exec {
        args("log", "--oneline", "-1", "--format=format:%h", ".")
        standardOutput = outputStream

I still need to figure out how to inject this into certain property files, but this is a great start. Thank You.

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