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Django order model by date and move models without date to the end

I have a model tickets, with a sum in it. I'm trying to make spending tickets by nearest expire date. But if I'm ordering by date_expire , it move date_expire=None models to the top. But date_expire=None means that ticket has no limit by time, and should be used after all tickets, that has time limit.

My code:

ticket = Tickets.objects.filter(

I can try to sort by sorted func with lambda key, but I think there's a better way to do this in orm


I think i found a solution for myself. Now my code looks like:

ticket = Tickets.objects.filter(
                has_date=Func(F('date_expire'), Value(None), function='IFNULL')

I used annotate function of QuerySet to make a new value has_date which is using an SQL func IFNULL, that returns True if field date_expire is NULL .

SQL field in query must be something like this:

IFNULL("tickets"."date_expire", NULL) AS "has_date" 

And then i sort by -has_date first, to move all objects with True values under the False values.

Maybe there's a better way to do that, but that method works for my idea.

You can use a F expression with nulls_first or nulls_last . Check the Using F() to sort null values on the django documentation.

In your case:

from django.db.models import F

ticket = Tickets.objects.filter(

Probably not the official solution:

One method is to introduce a value that represents a ceiling value. So instead of using None for date_expire use a date 1000 years in the future like 12/31/3000 . That way this date is always later than your current dates.

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