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Getting Quarkus working with podman-compose

I installed quarkus, but it is failing when trying to download resources. I installed podman, podman-compose, podman-docker and podman-remote.

It looks like podman-compose is not being called by 'docker compose'. Is there another package I need to install or configure on RHEL9 to use Quarkus?

%./mvnw quarkus:dev


2023-01-31 09:27:25,288 INFO [.io/postgres:14]] (docker-java-stream--933788147) Starting to pull image 2023-01-31 09:27:55,287 ERROR [.io/postgres:14]] (testcontainers-pull-watchdog-1) Docker image pull has not made progress in 30s - aborting pull

docker.io had hit a timeout limit. Logging in cleared the limit and now the skeleton project works. It looks like maven is actually using podman compose correctly under the covers.

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