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is `return_if_null(T* ptr)` possible?

I'm finding myself doing a lot of

void doSomethingCool(CoolObject* coolObject) {
   if (coolObject == nullptr) {

   // now _actually_ do something cool

I thought about macros, but it felt a bit gross...

// plus some other templating for other return types, but besides the point
#define RETURN_IF_NULL(nullable) if (nullable == null) { return; }

void doSomethingCool(CoolObject* coolObject) {

   // now _actually_ do something cool

It would be cool to have something like std::return_if_null<T> , like this

#include <early_return>

void doSomethingCool(CoolObject* coolObject) {

   // now _actually_ do something cool

I don't think this is possible with C++ as it is now, but would be keen to hear if you think this could work, or if you think it would be an interesting language feature.

Edit, full context, what I would looove to see is something like this.

template <typename T, typename ReturnType>
std::early_return<ReturnType> return_if_null(T* ptr, ReturnType defaultValue = {}) {
   if (ptr == nullptr) {
     return std::early_return::abort{defaultValue};
   return std::early_return::continue;

is return_if_null(T* ptr) possible?


I thought about macro

Ok, that is possible. But don't.

It's somewhat unclear why you want this, but if you're exploring different styles, you can write the function like this:

void doSomethingCool(CoolObject* coolObject) {
   if (coolObject) {
      // now _actually_ do something cool

But it's of course a matter of taste.

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