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how to deploy escloud extension in terraform

I deploy escloud with terraform. I want to add an existing extension, analysis-icu, how can I configure it?

resource "ec_deployment_extension" "icu" {
  name           = "analysis-icu"
  version        = "*"
  extension_type = "bundle"
  download_url   = "https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch-plugins/analysis-nori/analysis-nori-8.6.1.zip"
module "escloud_default" {
  source = "./escloud"
  name   = "${var.environment}-test"


  elasticsearch_config = {
    topologies = [
        id            = "hot_content"
        size          = var.environment == "prod" ? "2g" : "1g"
        size_resource = "memory"
        zone_count    = var.environment == "prod" ? 2 : 1
        autoscaling = {
          min_size          = ""
          min_size_resource = ""
          max_size          = "116g"
          max_size_resource = "memory"
    extensions = [
            name    = ec_deployment_extension.nori.name
            type    = "bundle"
            version = "*"
            url     = ec_deployment_extension.nori.url

This code does not apply existing icu plugin, just create custom bundle.

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