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Sequelize create method empty array

I've implemented one-to-many relationship between Order and Products .

Order has more Products - Product belongs to Order

Product.belongsTo(Order, {
    as: 'order',
    foreignKey: 'order_id'
Order.hasMany(Product, {
    as: 'products',
    foreignKey: 'order_id'

When I create new Order with create method, returned object doesn't include array of empty Products .

I tried to use options for create method like this:

const newOrder = await Order.create({ }, {
        include: [{
            as: 'products',
            model: Product

// products attribute in newOrder doesn't exist.

I expected object:

  id: 1;
  products: []

but only property id attribute was returned in this object - without products empty array.

Of course, if findByPk or findAll method with include option is used, products are also included. But it's useless query for this usage.

How to return also products without manual adding it to response object?

You can add products: [] to create option. This won't execute any INSERT query to products table but it will be returned as is.

const newOrder = await Order.create(
    { products: [] }, 
        include: [{
            as: 'products',
            model: Product

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