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Error when using Azure monitor data source for Grafana

I've been trying to connect Azure monitor to my Grafana dashboard, which is deployed in a Kube.netes cluster. For this I created an app registration in Azure and assigned the 'Reader' role to it. Afterwards I filled in my Azure credentials at the Azure Monitor page in Grafana. I was able to retrieve the right subscription and receive a positive response.

But after this, when I want to open a dashboard, I receive the following error message:

Error updating options: The client '++++' with object id '++++' does not have authorization to perform action 'microsoft.insights/metricNamespaces/read' over scope '/subscriptions/++++/resourceGroups/++++;/providers/microsoft.insights' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials

I'm really stuck now, because I thought that the Reader role would fix this. Anyone experienced this before?

I have tried to assign multiple roles and also created new ones and assigned them to the Grafana app registration. I expect the dashboard to be able to read the data from Azure. There is an connection between Azure and Grafana now, but it is not able to pull the data.

My bad, I figured it out. I needed to assign the Reader role on the subscription level and not only on resource group level. Hopefully this will help someone else in the future.

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