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C: Function returning via void *

Coming from Java I'm confused by the use of Void allowing a return value in the following:

void *emalloc(size_t s) {  
    void *result = malloc(s);  
    if (NULL == result) {  
        fprintf(stderr, "MEMORY ALLOCATION FAILURE\n");  
    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );  
    return result;  

Is this returning a pointer to a chuck of allocated of memory ?

Yes, it is. A void* pointer is basically a generic pointer to a memory address, which could then typically be typecast to whatever type was actually desired.

Your question indicates that you are misreading the function's return type. There is a big difference between:

void foo( void ) {}


void *bar( void ) {}

foo() takes no arguments and does not return a value, while bar() takes no arguments and returns a generic pointer. In C, the keyword void is used to indicate a generic pointer, and an object of type void * can be converted to any other object pointer type without loss of information.

Yes, this function is returning a pointer to allocated memory of a specified size. It's different in malloc in the sense that it's guaranteed to return a pointer. On failure it will exit the application.

Yes. void* meaning pointer to something, but of no particular type.

In Java there is no pointer arithmetic. It think this is what you are asking about. For example, imagine that malloc returns a pointer of type int

int* malloc(size_t size)

You would possibly receive the pointer, which is basically a pointer to an array . Then you would index it like regular arrays.

int* arr = malloc(10 * sizeof(int)); // 10 contiguous int(s).

The problem is that C doesn't have functions overloading. So, we have to find a way to write a generic malloc . Otherwise, you would end up with a different malloc for every type. The solution, is to send the required number of bytes that you need. Then, you can index it however you like. This gives a greater flexibility and one for all solution.

int*  i = (int*)malloc(10 * sizeof(int)); // 40 bytes if int = 4 bytes
char* c = (char*)malloc(10 * sizeof(char)); // 10 bytes if char = 1 byte

int  thirdElement = i[3]; // third element. 12 bytes away from (*i)
char secondElement = c[2]; // second element. 2 bytes away from (*c)

So, the whole idea is that it doesn't matter how we index the memory we got from malloc . All what we have to do is to specify the type of the newly created array to index it properly. void* means that this is a pointer to place in memory that we haven't specified how to index.

void means essentially no type, so if we have void *p; p is a pointer to something, but we haven't said what.

void without a pointer is nothing hence void foo(void) being a function that takes no arguments and returns nothing.

And yes malloc returns a pointer to some chunk of memory, malloc doesn't know or care what type that memory has, so it's return type is void*

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