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I need a bar graph with three variables at the same time

I need a bar graph with three columns at the y axis: rating_standard, rating_rapid, rating_blitz.

I attach a graph similar to my request.

df_7 = df3[(df3['fide_id'] == 14109336)]


fide_id year month rating_standard rating_rapid rating_blitz
146116 2015 1 2530.0 2599.0 2540.0
146116 2015 2 2530.0 2530.0 2530.0
146116 2021 3 2546.0 2546.0 2546.0
146116 2021 4 2546.0 2521.0 2608.0


assuming your df_7 is a pandas DataFrame, there are two ways to do this:

easiest way :


another way using seaborn , you can first change the way the data is stored in it like this:

df = df.melt(id_vars=['month'], 

it will make the table as:

    month   rating      value
0   1   rating_standard 2530.0
1   2   rating_standard 2530.0
2   3   rating_standard 2546.0
3   4   rating_standard 2546.0
4   1   rating_rapid    2599.0

where those rating columns are now a variable, ie each row in the original table now corresponds to 3 rows in the new table. Then you can use seaborn as the following:

import seaborn as sns
sns.barplot(data=df, x='month', y='value', hue='rating')


let me know if you want to be exactly like the image you shared, like the month names, colors, etc. then we can make some changes.

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