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Odoo dynamically select views to render

I have create 4 form view from odoo user interface. Now I want to render view conditionally based on my model data like state.

How can I achieve this? or Where I can override a method to render view conditionally?


According to the comment overrides the get_view method works but to refresh the form page. When I refresh the form page my custom view applies to the form page. How Can I Fix this cache issue issue?

def get_view(
        self, view_id=None, view_type='form', **options
    # Call the super method to get the original view definition
    result = super().get_view(
        view_id=view_id, view_type=view_type, **options
    if view_type == 'form' and 'params' in self._context and 'id' in \
        # get record ID from _context when access Form page
        record = self.browse(self._context['params']['id'])
        view = self.env['ir.ui.view'].search(
            [('name', '=', f'My Custom View')], limit=1
                'id': view.id,
                'arch': view.arch_db,
                'model': 'custom_module.model_name',
                'models': {
                    'custom_module.model_name': model_fields,
                    f'related_model': related_model_fields
    return result

An easy solution would be to trigger a function clicking on a button. This function could decide which xml_id view to use and then return an action to this view.

The clean solution would be to do a js class and to apply it in the view. The JS class could be responsible to chose its own OWL template depending on the data it gets from the arch.

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