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how to add custem attribute properties for a ldap user in apache ds server

i am trying to learn about LDAP and basic server creation and authenticating from client completed.

now i want add custom attribute properties for an user like cn,uid or sn i want to add.networkGrp, srcIp,DestIp like that but if i add apache ds studio ignoring.


for this user i want to add some custom properties在此处输入图像描述

but i ldap rejecting these changes

please help me how to add custom attribute properties

In order to do what you want, you would have to extend the .netOrgPerson class. Just as .netOrgPerson extends organizationalPerson. See rfc2798.

Alternatively, for the very lazy.... I do not recommend this, but I have done it. I just find an attribute that I am not using in .netOrgPerson (like carLicense), and use that instead for my own purposes. Very quick and dirty.

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