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Additional package installed in my PythonAnywhere account is not found by app

I am trying to deploy my first Dash app to PythonAnywhere. The app uses the dash_bootstrap_components package which is not part of the 'haggis' image used by my account. I followed the instructions for installing the package and the bash console confirmed that it had successfully installed it.

Copy of bash console

After installing the package I reloaded my app on the Web Tab in PythonAnywhere, but when I try to open my URL I get an error and the error log shows an ImportError.

copy of error log

Are there additional steps to follow in order to have my app "see" the additional package?

looks like you've installed you're module in a different Python environment than the one your web app is running in. I'd recommend using virtual environments. They have a good help page - https://help.pythonanywhere.com/pages/Virtualenvs/

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