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Render a ASP.NET control in the master page code-behind

I'm using a Substitution control in my master page, and I want to render a user control content (related to the login area of my website) in the Substitution . Seems like I must have a reference for the requested page so that it could render the control. But I need to render the control in the master page itself, as it's shared across multiple pages in my website. What are the guidelines to achieve that?


So you want to render a user control from your MasterPage code-behind, and add it to a Substitution that's also in the master page? Why do you need a reference to the page that's using the master?

Assuming your using VB and that I understand your question, try this in your MasterPage code-behind:

Dim someControl As MyControl = CType((New Page()).LoadControl("~/Path/To/MyControl.ascx"), MyControl)

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