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Content is not allowed between the opening and closing tags for user control

I want to build a user control suppose MyDiv.ascx. This control renders the div tag and do few more code behind stuff like adding few attributes etc which is not a matter of concern here. The problem is I want text between the opening and closing tags of the user control. Eg:

The text goes here with some other HTML tags.

So when do something like this I get a parsing error while running the website. Also VS2008 warns me by saying " Content is not allowed between the opening and closing tags for element MyDiv".

  • Question 1: Can I do something like this ie text/markup between opening and closing tags of a user control?

  • Question 2: If yes, how

The suggested solutions did not work for me. I found the following solutions: Either make your user control inherit from Panel instead of only UserControl , or if you have more than one content like in my case, make your content fields be PlaceHolder s instead of simple Control s.

The [PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)] is added to avoid XHTML validation warning.

public partial class DrawerControl : UserControl
    public PlaceHolder BodyContent { get; set; }
    public PlaceHolder GripContent { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

phBodyContent and phGripContent being PlaceHolder s.

This way I can use my control with any content in ASPX:

<local:Drawer ID="ctlDrawer" runat="server">
        <!--Insert any ASP content here-->
        <!--Insert any ASP content here-->

I believe you just need to apply a couple of attributes to the control:

public class MyDiv : UserControl

You may then need to override AddedControl - I'm not sure.

Put it this way - that's what works for the one and only user control I've ever written:)

I also wanted to create a custom control with "innerHtml". This is what I ended up with (based partially on some of the earlier answers/comments)...


[ParseChildren(true, "Text")] //Store inner content in Text property
public partial class div : System.Web.UI.UserControl
    public string Text { get; set; }
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        litText.Text = Text;  //Render it however you want


<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="div.ascx.cs" Inherits="TestApp.Controls.div" %>
    <asp:Literal ID="litText" runat="server" />

Test page:

<%@ register src="~/Controls/div.ascx" tagname="div" tagprefix="uc" %>
<uc:div ID="div1" runat="server">Test data</uc:div>

I found this:

ASP.Net: User control with content area, it's clearly possible but I need some details

Works like a charm, but I wish I could suppress the design time message, content is not allowed between opening and closing tags, but it works at run time.

[ParseChildren(true, "Content")]


public partial class CollapsiblePanelControl : UserControl


    private Control content;

    // add the content

    // if this is not a post back
    if (!this.IsPostBack)
        // set to true;
        this.Expanded = true;

The markup is like this:

<asp:Panel ID="CollapsiblePanelMainPanel" runat="server" CssClass="collapsiblepanel">
    <asp:Panel ID="CollapsibleHeaderPanel" runat="server" CssClass="collapsibleheaderpanel">
        <asp:ImageButton ID="CollapseButton" ImageUrl="~/Images/BlueArrowDown.png" runat="server" OnClick="ExpandButton_Click" CssClass="expandbutton" /> 
        <asp:Label ID="CollapsiblePanelHeaderLabel" runat="server" Text="Collapsed" CssClass="collapsiblelabel"></asp:Label>
    <asp:Panel ID="MainContent" runat="server">

And then in the client:

<dc:CollapsiblePanelControl ID="CheckOnMePanel" runat="server" CssClass="checkonmepanel" EnableViewState="true"
        CollapsedHeight="20px" ExpandedHeight="300px" Expanded="true" HeaderText="Check On Me Email Service" >
        ...[Your Content Goes Here]

Add a Text property to your control and linked this text property to a label run at server that will be between the opening and closing div.

You might want to be careful, what if you put a server control in the content area...

You might just want to make a control inherit from a panel and override any methods you need to adjust? Might be easier or harder depending on what you need to customize

public class MyDiv : Panel


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