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Convert a list java.awt.geom.Point2D to a java.awt.geom.Area

I have a set of points that i want to turn into a closed polygon in Java. I'm currently trying to use java.awt.geom.Point2D and java.awt.geom.Area but can't figure out how to turn a group of the points into an Area.

I think I can define a set of Line2Ds based on the points and then add those to the Areas, but that's a lot of work and I'm lazy. So is there an easier way to go.

The problem is I have a list of lat/lon coordinates and want to build up an area that I can use for hit testing.

Non-core Java libraries are a possibility as well.

Update, I looked at using java.awt.Polygon but it only supports ints and I'm operating with doubles for the coordinates.


Hear that, "customer"? You should be using GeneralPath, even though the absence of Polygon2D since the late 1990s is an obvious monster-truck-sized hole in the API.

If you are actually working with Geodetic lat/lon values, you can actually use OpenMap to do some of this work. I just spent some time using the Geo class in that API to bounce an object around an area defined by a polygon of lat/lon points. There are intersection calls and everything and all of the math is done spherically so that the points are more correct as far as projections go.

The simplest (and laziest) thing to do is to create a bounding box for the points from the maximum and minimum of the X, Y ordinate values.

If you need a closer fit then rather than devise your own algorithm, this might be a good place to start:

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