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Silverlight and desktop drag and drop

Is there, in silverlight, the ability to drag and drop files from the desktop into the browser? I seem to remember seeing something about it being a feature in silverlight 3.

I looked into this recently, and based on a post from a Silverlight MVP in the following thread, Silverlight 3 does not support file system drag and drop.


It appears Silverlight 4 now supports this:


You can Drag and drop from desktop in a silverlight 4 and above application. Check "Require Elevated permissions" in silverlight project properties and using drop event of silverlight datagrid one can handle the drag and drop from desktop in a silverlight datagrid.

private void DocumentsDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;

var point = e.GetPosition(null);
var dataGridRow = ExtractDataGridRow(point);
if(dataGridRow !=null)

var droppedItems = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop) as      FileInfo[];
if (droppedItems != null)
        var droppedDocumentsList = new List<FileInfo>();

        foreach (var droppedItem in droppedItems)
            if ((droppedItem.Attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory)
                var directory = new DirectoryInfo(droppedItem.FullName);
                droppedDocumentsList.AddRange(directory.EnumerateFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories));

        if (droppedDocumentsList.Any())
            DisplayErrorMessage("The selected folder is empty.");

Set AllowDrop =true; in xaml for the datagrid. From the DragEventArgs extract the information as FileInfo Object. I am not sure about this working with Silverlight 3 application

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