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virtualenv --no-site-packages and pip still finding global packages?

I was under the impression that virtualenv --no-site-packages would create a completely separate and isolated Python environment, but it doesn't seem to.

For example, I have python-django installed globally, but wish to create a virtualenv with a different Django version.

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages foo       
New python executable in foo/bin/python
Installing setuptools............done.
$ pip -E foo install Django
Requirement already satisfied: Django in /usr/share/pyshared
Installing collected packages: Django
Successfully installed Django

From what I can tell, the pip -E foo install above is supposed to re-install a new version of Django. Also, if I tell pip to freeze the environment, I get a whole lot of packages. I would expect that for a fresh environment with --no-site-packages this would be blank?

$ pip -E foo freeze
... and so on ...

Am I misunderstanding how --no-site-packages is supposed to work?

I had a problem like this, until I realized that (long before I had discovered virtualenv), I had gone adding directories to the PYTHONPATH in my .bashrc file. As it had been over a year beforehand, I didn't think of that straight away.

You have to make sure you are running the pip binary in the virtual environment you created, not the global one.

env/bin/pip freeze

See a test:

We create the virtualenv with the --no-site-packages option:

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages -p /usr/local/bin/python mytest
Running virtualenv with interpreter /usr/local/bin/python
New python executable in mytest/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.

We check the output of freeze from the newly created pip :

$ mytest/bin/pip freeze

But if we do use the global pip , this is what we get:

$ pip freeze

That is, all the packages that pip has installed in the whole system. By checking which pip we get (at least in my case) something like /usr/local/bin/pip , meaning that when we do pip freeze it is calling this binary instead of mytest/bin/pip .

Eventually I found that, for whatever reason, pip -E was not working. However, if I actually activate the virtualenv, and use easy_install provided by virtualenv to install pip, then use pip directly from within, it seems to work as expected and only show the packages in the virtualenv

Temporarily clear the PYTHONPATH with:


Then create and activate the virtual environment:

virtualenv foo
. foo/bin/activate

Only then:

pip freeze

I know this is a very old question but for those arriving here looking for a solution:

Don't forget to activate the virtualenv ( source bin/activate ) before running pip freeze . Otherwise you'll get a list of all global packages.

--no-site-packages should, as the name suggests, remove the standard site-packages directory from sys.path . Anything else that lives in the standard Python path will remain there.

A similar problem can occur on Windows if you call scripts directly as script.py which then uses the Windows default opener and opens Python outside the virtual environment. Calling it with python script.py will use Python with the virtual environment.

当您将 virtualenv 目录移动到另一个目录(在 linux 上)或重命名父目录时,这似乎也会发生。

I was having this same problem. The issue for me (on Ubuntu) was that my path name contained $ . When I created a virtualenv outside of the $ dir, it worked fine.


virtualenv pip 不起作用的可能原因之一是,如果任何父文件夹的名称/Documents/project name/app中有空格,将其重命名为/Documents/projectName/app可以解决问题。

Here's the list of all the pip install options - I didn't find any ' -E ' option, may be older version had it. Below I am sharing a plain english usage and working of virtualenv for the upcoming SO users.

Every thing seems fine, accept activating the virtualenv ( foo ). All it does is allow us to have multiple (and varying) python environment ie various Python versions, or various Django versions, or any other Python package - in case we have a previous version in production and want to test the latest Django release with our application.

In short creating and using (activating) virtual environment ( virtualenv ) makes it possible to run or test our application or simple python scripts with different Python interpreter ie Python 2.7 and 3.3 - can be a fresh installation (using --no-site-packages option) or all the packages from existing/last setup (using --system-site-packages option). To use it we have to activate it:

$ pip install django will install it into the global site-packages, and similarly getting the pip freeze will give names of the global site-packages.

while inside the venv dir (foo) executing $ source /bin/activate will activate venv ie now anything installed with pip will only be installed in the virtual env, and only now the pip freeze will not give the list of global site-packages python packages. Once activated:

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages foo       
New python executable in foo/bin/python
Installing setuptools............done.
$ cd foo
$ source bin/activate 
(foo)$ pip install django

(foo) before the $ sign indicates we are using a virtual python environment ie any thing with pip - install, freeze, uninstall will be limited to this venv, and no effect on global/default Python installation/packages.

I came accross the same problem where pip in venv still works as global pip.
After searching many pages, i figure it out this way.
1. Create a new venv by virtualenv with option "--no-site-packages"

virtualenv --no-site-packages --python=/xx/xx/bin/python my_env_nmae

please note that although the "--no-site-packages" option was default true since 1.7.0 in the doc file of virtualenv, but i found it not working unless you set it on manually. In order to get a pure venv, i strongly suggest turning this option on 2. Activate the new env you created

source ./my_env_name/bin/activate
  1. Check your pip location and python location and make sure these two commands are under virtual envirement
pip --version
which python
  1. Use pip under virtual env to install packages free from the global packages interuption
pip install package_name

Wish this answer helps you!

My problem was the pip and python3 versions. For the latest version of django installation, pip3 is necessary. So my problem was solved after creating the virtual environment using the following commands:

> virtualenv --python=python3 venv
> source venv/bin/activate
> which pip3 #should be different from /usr/local/bin/pip3

PS This problem occurred because the default version of my python in ubuntu was 2.7. By using the above command it would ignore the default version.

for anyone updated to ubuntu 22.04 or confused by the same problem, remove the installed pip first, re-install the pip to /usr/local/bin, according to the doc in python.org, by the time is 3.10.5, run:

sudo python get-pip.py --prefix=/usr/

you need to download the script if you don't have one.After success message return, install virtualenv or poetry, it would notice you that /usr/local is not writable, and would install to ~/.local/what/ever, that' fine. And then everything is good to go, use virtualenv to re-create the venv folder in your project dir. if anything strange happend, use which command to check the path of pip3 or virtualenv, and remove them.

My issue was that I had installed virtual env as followed

python3 -m venv venv

Then after activating the venv, I was running

python3 main.py

Which just relied on global packages, as it wasn't prompting me to install packages.

Running the below did the trick

python main.py

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