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What does the @title batch script command do?

I see it a few times in my batch script, however I'm not certain what it actually does. The two occurrences of it are below an @echo (which prints out the text following it to the console) and are exact duplicates of the text that is printed with @echo.

  • @ means "don't echo this, just run it."
  • title lets you set the title of the cmd.exe window.

Try title /? from the command prompt.

毫不奇怪,它设置了批处理运行的命令提示符窗口的标题 。前导@使该行不会回显到提示符。

It sets the title of the current command window title bar.

If you run the following script as a batch file, you will see an example:

@title = "My Title"

它“指定命令提示符窗口的标题”(通过运行title /? )。

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