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Can I have more than one “Details” ActionResult in a controller?

I have a Controller called TicketsController.vb, with an action result of:

' GET: /Tickets/Details/5
Public Function Details(ByVal id As Integer) As ActionResult
    ViewData("OpenTixCount") = ticketRepository.countOpenTickets.Count()
    ViewData("UrgentTixCount") = ticketRepository.countUrgentTickets.Count()
    ViewData("HighTixCount") = ticketRepository.countHighTickets.Count()
    ViewData("NormalTixCount") = ticketRepository.countNormalTickets.Count()
    ViewData("LowTixCount") = ticketRepository.countLowTickets.Count()

    Dim ticket As hdCall = ticketRepository.GetTicket(id)

    If ticket Is Nothing Then
        Return View("NotFound")
        ViewData("MyTicketID") = ticket.CallID
        ViewData("UserThatLogged") = ticket.hdUser.RealName
        ViewData("CustomerName") = ticket.hdCustomer.CustomerName
        ViewData("TimeLogged") = ticket.loggedOn.ToLongDateString & " " & ticket.loggedOn.ToLongTimeString
        ViewData("CustomerID") = ticket.CustomerID
        ViewData("CustomerEmail") = ticket.hdCustomer.Email

        Dim custID As Integer = ticket.CustomerID
        Dim TicketsForCustomer = ticketRepository.GetTicketsForThisCustomer(custID).Count()

        ViewData("TicketsForCustomerCount") = TicketsForCustomer
        Dim dataContext As New CustomerServicesDataContext
        ViewData("TicketStatus") = New SelectList(dataContext.hdStatus, "StatusID", "Status", ticket.StatusID)
        ViewData("TicketType") = New SelectList(dataContext.hdCategories, "CategoryID", "Title", ticket.CategoryID)
        ViewData("TicketPriority") = New SelectList(dataContext.hdPriorities, "PriorityID", "Priority", ticket.PriorityID)
        ViewData("CompanyType") = New SelectList(dataContext.hdCompanies, "CompanyID", "Company", ticket.CompanyID)
        ViewData("CallDetails") = ticket.CallDetails

    End If

    Return View(ticket)
End Function

I've also added another called Customers, which is intended to grab a list of tickets by Customer ID. The code I'm using to do this is:

'GET: /Tickets/Customer/1
Public Function Customer(ByVal custID As Integer) As ActionResult
    ViewData("OpenTixCount") = ticketRepository.countOpenTickets.Count()
    ViewData("UrgentTixCount") = ticketRepository.countUrgentTickets.Count()
    ViewData("HighTixCount") = ticketRepository.countHighTickets.Count()
    ViewData("NormalTixCount") = ticketRepository.countNormalTickets.Count()
    ViewData("LowTixCount") = ticketRepository.countLowTickets.Count()

    Dim cust As hdCustomer = customerRepository.GetCustomerDetails(custID)

    Dim tickets = ticketRepository.FindAllTicketsForThisCustomer(custID)

    ViewData("CustomerName") = cust.CustomerName
    ViewData("CustomerEmail") = cust.Email
    Dim TicketsForCustomer = ticketRepository.GetTicketsForThisCustomer(custID).Count()

    ViewData("TicketsForCustomerCount") = TicketsForCustomer

    Return View(tickets)
End Function

However, when I access the page of /Tickets/Customers/1 for example, I receive the error:

The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'custID' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32' for method 'System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Customer(Int32)' in 'CustomerServicesHelpdesk.TicketsController'. To make a parameter optional its type should be either a reference type or a Nullable type. Parameter name: parameters

I'm not quite sure where I'm going wrong here, but could it be because I have 2 ActionResults looking for similar routes?

Thanks for any help in advance.

This issue araises because the default route in ASP.NET MVC expects the parameter to be named id , but your Customer method takes a parameter named custID .

A quick fix would be to rename custID to id .

An alternative solution is to add a custom route in Global.asax. Something like this

    "Tickets",                                                  // Route name
    "Tickets/Customers/{custID}",                               // URL with parameters
    new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", custID = "" }  // Parameter defaults

Could you please post your routes definition? If you are using the default routing definitions, try to rename custID to id in the method definition, so that it becomes:

Public Function Customer(ByVal id As Integer) As ActionResult

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