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C#, quick generics question

I have a need to create a quick class with just 2 properties (left and top), I'll then call these in a collection.

Is there a quick way to create the class structure without having to actually create the strongly typed class itself using generics?

Thanks in advance

Better still, does the framwework have a built in type than can just store left, top, right, bottom co-ordinates in integer values?

Automatic Properties would help make this quick

public class Position<T> where T: struct
  public T Top { get; set; }
  public T Left { get; set; }

Or you might want to check out the Point or Rectangle classes in the System.Drawing namespace.

我认为你正在寻找System.Drawing.Rectangle (这是一个结构,顺便说一下不是类;在System.Windows.Shapes有一个类,但那是不同的。)创建一个新的泛型类型时没有意义你想要的已经在框架中了。

What's your reason for doing this? Why not just create the class?

If you really need to defer things, you can create an interface:

public interface IMyDeferredClass
    int MethodReturningInt(int parameter);
    int IntegerProperty { get; set; }
    int this[int index] { get; }
    event EventHandler SomeEvent;

You can program to IMyDefferedClass, but you'll eventually need a class to implement that interface:

public class MyDeferredClass : IMyDeferredClass
    public int MethodReturningInt(int parameter)
        return 0;

    public int IntegerProperty
        get { return 0; }
        set {  }

    public int this[int index]
        get { return 0; }

    public event EventHandler SomeEvent;

No sorry. Anonymous classes can only be used in the same method without using some horible hack from Jon. (See comments)

in C# 3.0 you would need to use reflection.

Both of these suggestions can have substantial performance overhead.

static void Main(string[] args)
    var obj = new { Name = "Matt" };
    var val = DoWork(obj); // val == "Matt"

static object DoWork(object input)
       if you make another anonymous type that matches the structure above
       the compiler will reuse the generated class.  But you have no way to 
       cast between types.
    var inputType = input.GetType();
    var pi = inputType.GetProperty("Name");
    var value = pi.GetValue(input, null);
    return value;

in C# 4.0 you could use the "dynamic" type

static object DoWork(dynamic input)
    return input.Name;

interesting Hack pointed out by Jon Skeet

static object DoWork(object input)
    var casted = input.Cast(new { Name = "" });
    return casted.Name;

public static class Tools
    public static T Cast<T>(this object target, T example)
        return (T)target;

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