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Custom Compiler Warnings in Visual Studio 2008

Custom Compiler Warnings and
C#: Create custom warning in Visual Studio if certain method is used in source code
haven't helped as they deal with code that is under the author's control.

We are using a 3rd party suite of UI controls (DevExpress) in our software and I want to generate a warning when someone uses MessageBox.Show("blah"); instead of XtraMessageBox.Show("blah");

Is there a way to do that?

This sort of thing can be addressed relatively easily via a custom rule for FxCop/Visual Studio Code Analysis. If you are using Visual Studio Developer Edition, you will even see the rule failures displayed along-side your compilation warnings and errors in the IDE.

While there's no way you can do real custom compile-time error in .NET, there's a number of third-party tools (both free and commercial) that can inject their validation logic into the build process, usually after the compilation.

Here are three ways I know of to solve you problem:

  1. Resharper 5.0 ($) will support custom rules / warnings.
  2. In PostSharp (free) you can define OnMethodBoundary aspect, overwrite its CompileTimeValidate method and emit a [post]compile-time error from it.
  3. NDepend can be integrated with your build process ($) to enforce coding policies like that

No there is no direct way. If you think about it you are looking for a compiler warning for some code that you don't even compile.

If you really want this you could use Reflection methods on YOUR compiled assembly to check if any methods/assemblies you don't want have been called. Cecil has a lot of the functionality you need. You could then make this part of your build process.

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