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How can I force the Eclipse toolbar to be on one row

The toolbar seems to like to take 2 rows instead of one after a restart, even though:

  • there is enough horizontal space;
  • I manually arrange them to be on one row;
  • the toolbars are locked.

Eclipse toolbar http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/4266/eclipsetoolbar.png

How can I prevent the toolbar position from being reset after a restart?

This is Eclipse 3.5.1 on Linux x86 GTK.

Update : Please note that Eclipse saves the workspace - my toolbar customisations work - except for the 'please please remain on one row' setting.

I don't know how to prevent toolbar elements to change position, but I find a way to reset it. You could reset a workbench with toolbar (I didn't find a way to reset tollbar only). You could do it by removing file: workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi

If eclipse does not successfully save its perspective, that may be due to:

  • a right issue (read-only files in the workspace? Wrong user for launching the eclipse process)
  • a starting issue (option --clean deep within an eclipse.ini; consider replacing it with this eclipse.ini )

Regarding the toolbar layout specifically, this problem has been seen before, and before you reported it in bug 292398 , you can actually read:

  • bug 52229 : Toolbar layout not retained across sessions, possibly related to:
  • bug 62411 : ApplicationWindow's CoolBar does not re-layout window's contents on CoolItem's drag, which leads to:
  • bug 203370 : mentions "There are some other outstanding bugs in ToolBar."

... which says it all.

When I said "this problem has been seen before", meet bug 69616 , reported 2004-07-08 for eclipse3.0.
Still pending.

I unlock the toolbars and set their positions. but they are always back all tossed in the left on eclipse start.

Yes, the cool item ordering will be remembered, but the absolute positions will not.

Try Window->Save Perspective As and save with the same as you use. It think, this will be enough.

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