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PHP Error output - Plesk 9.2 with IIS7 and FastCGI

Where can I view PHP errors that are generated by a Plesk 9.2 website?

I currently get a generic 500 error when I create a test PHP error:

500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.

I have, unsuccessfully, tried to activate error reporting in the Plesk global php.ini file:

display_errors = On

To the best of my knowledge Plesk 9.2 uses IIS7 and FastCGI.

Any Plesk wizards out there, that know the recommended way of debugging PHP errors on a Plesk website?


As far as I know. you have to ask the admin to give you access. In my case the best he was going to do was to give me a read only symbolic link to it. And he added this line to .htaccess

Options FollowSymLinks

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