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Can't Insert Data Into Tables Containing Auto Increment Primary Key Using PHP Prepared Statements

I know I have that my connection to the database works, and a test I did using no auto-increment id worked fine for me. The code below refuses to work and I can't find aa way around it. My table has 3 columns, ID (auto increment), name and value. What do I need to change in order to get this to work?

Thanks in advance

//create placeholder query
 $query = "INSERT INTO prepared_test (name, value) VALUES (?,?)";

 //prepare the query
 $stmt = mysqli_prepare($connection, $query);

 $name = 'steve';
 $value = 45;

 mysqli_bind_param($stmt, array(MYSQLI_BIND_STRING, MYSQLI_BIND_INT), $name, $value);

 if(mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt) != 1)



mysqli_bind_param is deprecated and is just an alias of mysqli_stmt_bind_param, mysqli_stmt_bind_param expects the bind types to be a string not an array. so just change that line.

mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'si', $name, $value);

I'd recommend you using PDO ( http://ar2.php.net/PDO ). It's an object oriented interface for different databases, it has a cleaner syntax and abstracts you from the RDBMS ;)

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