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What is the best way to geocode large sets as a background process in Ruby on Rails?

I am implementing a contact importer and will be geocoding the contacts that are imported. If a user imports 1000 contacts, geocoding is way too slow. Essentially I would like to start a background process to geocode the contacts after they are imported and somehow report the status to a log.

Does this sound like the best way to do this? If so, can I do this with some simple ruby/rails? I have the javan-whenever gem which is essentially a ruby API for CRON but I would rather this be an immediately spawned background process after importing.


There are a couple of plugins that can help you do this:

  1. BackgroundDRb
  2. Spawn

Tony,您可能也想看看http://www.simpleworker.com ,它会负责所有处理管理和监视以及计划(如cron)(如果需要)。

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