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How to use Axis WSDL2Java generated files?

I generated Java files from WSDL with WSDL2Java converter, but I don't know how can I use service with these files, because there are no examples. I'm implementing client side.

Regarding Axis2: read these these links they contain some examples:


EDIT: Regarding Axis1: it is based on JAX-RPC and you need to instantiate stub object or use service locator to get stub instance and all WS operations will be in that. An example is given here :

public class Tester {
  public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {
    // Make a service
    AddressBookService service = new AddressBookServiceLocator();

    // Now use the service to get a stub which implements the SDI.
    AddressBook port = service.getAddressBook();

    // Make the actual call
    Address address = new Address(...);
    port.addEntry("Russell Butek", address);

Normally a client doesn't instantiate a stub in Web Services, you would use the service locator and call the get method. I can't tell from your question, but if you are asking a more general "Where do I get JavaDocs (or such) to better understand the API", you would have to tell use which WS you are using.

Axis User Guide

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