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How to enumerate network adapters and get their MAC addresses in Win32 API C++?

如何在Win32 API C ++中枚举网络适配器并获取其MAC地址?

This code should work:

    ULONG outBufLen = 0;
    DWORD dwRetVal = 0;
    IP_ADAPTER_INFO* pAdapterInfos = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO*) malloc(sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO));

    // retry up to 5 times, to get the adapter infos needed
    for( int i = 0; i < 5 && (dwRetVal == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW || dwRetVal == NO_ERROR); ++i )
        dwRetVal = GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfos, &outBufLen);
        if( dwRetVal == NO_ERROR )
        else if( dwRetVal == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW )
            pAdapterInfos = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO*) malloc(outBufLen);
            pAdapterInfos = 0;
    if( dwRetVal == NO_ERROR )
        IP_ADAPTER_INFO* pAdapterInfo = pAdapterInfos;
        while( pAdapterInfo )
            IP_ADDR_STRING* pIpAddress = &(pAdapterInfo->IpAddressList);
            while( pIpAddress != 0 )
                          // <<<<
                          // here pAdapterInfo->Address should contain the MAC address
                          // >>>>

                pIpAddress = pIpAddress->Next;
            pAdapterInfo = pAdapterInfo->Next;
    return false;

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