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How to make an accepted socket non-blocking in java

I'm accepting a connection from a client and then passing that connected socket off to another object, however, that socket needs to be non-blocking. I'm trying to use getChannel().configureBlocking(false) but that does not seem to be working. It needs to be non-blocking because this the method below is called every 100ms. Is there some other way that I should be making this non-blocking? Thanks for any help!

public void checkForClients() {
  DataOutputStream out;
  DataInputStream in;
  Socket connection;
  InetAddress tempIP;
  String IP;

  try {
     connection = serverSocket.accept();

     System.err.println("after connection made");

     in = new DataInputStream(connection.getInputStream());
     out = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
     tempIP = connection.getInetAddress();
     IP = tempIP.toString();

     System.err.println("after ip string");

     // create a new user ex nihilo
     connectedUsers.add(new ConnectedUser(IP, null, connection, in, out));

     System.err.println("after add user");
  } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
     System.err.println("accept timeout - continuing execution");
  } catch (IOException e) {
     System.err.println("socket accept failed");

Two things:

  1. Why aren't you using a ServerSocket if you're listening for connections?
  2. If you want to accept multiple clients you want to use a loop.

The basic structure of a multi-client server is:

while (true) {
  // accept connections
  // spawn thread to deal with that connection

If the issue is blocking on the accept() call, well that's what accept() does: it blocks waiting for a connection. If that's an issue I suggest you have a separate thread to accept connections.

See Writing the Server Side of a Socket .

I would expect your code to block on the accept call, never getting to the configureBlocking call.

I typically spin off a separate thread for each socket connection, and let it block until a connection is actually made/accepted This allows the main thread to continue unblocked while it is waiting for client connections.

If you're looking for non-blocking sokets, my suggestion is to use Selectors and ServerSocketChannels with the NIO package.


If the typical blocking socket doesn't give you the availability you need (a connection every 100ms does seem tight). You should look at a non-blocking socket. Here is a tutorial . You can also look at Apache MINA to make this easier.

One approach is to use an I/O loop (event loop) in a single threaded environment. Take a look at Deft web server for inspiration. (Especially the start() method in IOLoop )

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