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jquery + ajax + json + fill dropdown list not working

I'm pretty sure i'am almost there....but i cannot figure out how to iterate through json objects and fill a dropdown list. Here is the js code:

My JSON data returned:


$(document).ready(function() { $("#ddlCountries").change(function() { $("#ddl2").html(""); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "Handler.ashx?", data: "county=" + $("#ddlCountries option:selected").text(), contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function(countyList) { $.each(countyList, function() { $("#ddl2").append(' + this['name'] + ''); }); }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { alert(textStatus); } }); }); });

i'm sure is something simple but as i am a newbie on this i'm not beeing able to get it work.

Appreciate your help guys!

Br, Teixeira

Your JSON data is invalid. You can't have multiple instances of the same property in an object.

You probably want:

        "name": "Country1"
        "name": "Country1"
        "name": "Country1"

Or even:

[ "Country1", "Country1", "Country1" ]

You can loop over it as per the example for for in the spec .

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