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In XSLT 1.0, how can I access attributes of a particular XML element when it is one of multiple elements with the same name?

I blame the Google Search Appliance for making me ask this question.

Here is a snippet of the XML returned by the Appliance:

<GSP VER="3.2">
<PARAM name="entqr" value="0" original_value="0"/>
<PARAM name="access" value="p" original_value="p"/>
<PARAM name="output" value="xml_no_dtd" original_value="xml_no_dtd"/>
<PARAM name="sort" value="date:D:L:d1" original_value="date%3AD%3AL%3Ad1"/>
<PARAM name="ud" value="1" original_value="1"/>
<PARAM name="ie" value="UTF-8" original_value="UTF-8"/>
<PARAM name="btnG" value="Search" original_value="Search"/>
<PARAM name="client" value="default_frontend" original_value="default_frontend"/>
<PARAM name="oe" value="UTF-8" original_value="UTF-8"/>
<PARAM name="q" value="I like stuff" original_value="I like stuff"/>

I need to do an xsl:value-of for a specific one of those PARAM elements, conditionally based on its name. eg I need to output the @value for the PARAM element with @name="client".


You can declare xsl:key as a top-level element:

  <xsl:key name="param" match="PARAM" use="@name"/>

and then use key(key-name,value) function.

<xsl:value-of select="key('param','q')/@value"/>

It takes time to 'init' key but further it's much faster than selecting node[predicate] each time. So it's better to use it when you need to access PARAMs multiple times.


Also, knowing your tree, you can match your nodes (PARAM) more accurately.

Try using predicates on your XPath statements! try something like:

<xsl:value-of select="PARAM[@name='output']/@value"/>
<xsl:value-of select="//PARAM[@name='client']/@value" />

You didn't add the complete XML document. In case there is a default namespace involved you will have to declare a prefix that you want to use and prepend that to the element and attribute names respectively.

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