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Is it possible to send a value of a variable from a js file to a php file

I have script and I'd like to know if it's possible the send the value of a variable to $_session,


$(function() {

    var delivery = 0;
    $('#jcart-paypal-checkout').click(function() {  
        delivery = $('form#delivery2 input[type=radio]:checked').val();
        if(!delivery) {
            alert('Please choose a delivery option');
            return false;
        }else {
            <?php $_SESSION['shipping'] = ?> delivery;



I need to send the value of delivery in $_session['shipping'],


Yes, this is possible. But you'll have to call the PHP-Script with POST or GET Parameters.

Edit: But I don't think that you can put the variable directly into the session-array.

For example, use $.get() :

$(function() {
    var delivery = 0;
    $('#jcart-paypal-checkout').click(function() {      
        delivery = $('form#delivery2 input[type=radio]:checked').val();
        if(!delivery) {
                alert('Please choose a delivery option');
                return false;
        $.get('putInSession.php', { d: delivery });

This snippet expects a script called "putInSession.php" on the server side, which should check the input parameter "d" and then

$_SESSION["shipping"] = $_GET["d"];

Optionally, you can specify a function that receives the result of the asynchronous request as third parameter of $.get() .

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