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Best way to refresh page

Ok, I have a hyperlink on my page and that hyperlink is held within a user control. When the user clicks that link, it's used to remove an item on the page, so:

<a href='<%#string.Format("{0}?removeItem=true&ItemID={1}", CurrentPage, Container.DataItem.Id )%>'>Remove this item</a>

On click of the link, the code-behind of my user control checks for the removeItem bool and if set to true, removes that item:

        removeSavedItem = Convert.ToBoolean(Request["removeItem"]);


And here's my RemoveItem() method:

    protected void RemovItem()
        int itemID = Util.ParamVal("savedItemID", 0);

        if (itemID > 0)

But I need my page to refresh because it's removing it but my repeater is not showing the list with the item removed. What's the best way to approach this? Just do a rebind of the repeater or is there a cleaner way? Maybe that's just the standard way? Rebind after I remove it in this method?

I suggest trying to ajaxify the removal of the items, Unless you are changing a whole lot of things in the page.

As an answer to your question, you can do Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString()); Incase you want to do it from JavaScript for any reason then use window.location.reload();







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