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How can I get the second-level keys in a Perl hash-of-hashes?

I need to get all of the values for a certain key in a hash. The hash looks like this:

$bean = {
     Key1 => {
               Key4 => 4,
               Key5 => 9,
               Key6 => 10,
     Key2 => {
               Key7 => 5,
               Key8 => 9,

I just need the values to Key4 , Key5 and Key6 for example. The rest is not the point of interest. How could I get the values?

Update: So I don't have a %bean I just add the values to the $bean like this:

 $bean->{'Key1'}->{'Key4'} = $value;

hope this helps.

foreach my $key (keys %{$bean{Key1}})
  print $key . " ==> " . $bean{Key1}{$key} . "\n";

should print:

Key4 ==> 4
Key5 ==> 9
Key6 ==> 10

If %bean is a hash of hashes, $bean{Key1} is a hash reference. To operate on a hash reference as you would on a simple hash, you need to dereference it, like this:

%key1_hash = %{$bean{Key1}};

And to access elements within a hash of hashes, you use syntax like this:

$element = $bean{Key1}{Key4};

So, here's a loop that prints the keys and values for $bean{Key1} :

print $_, '=>', $bean{Key1}{$_}, "\n" for keys %{$bean{Key1}};

Or if you just want the values, and don't need the keys:

print $_, "\n" for values %{$bean{Key1}};

See the following Perl documentation for more details on working with complex data structures: perlreftut , perldsc , and perllol .

Yet another solution:

for my $sh ( values %Bean ) {
    print "$_ => $sh->{$_}\n" for grep exists $sh->{$_}, qw(Key4 Key5 Key6);


A good way to do this - assuming what you're posting is an example, rather than a single one off case - would be recursively . So we have a function which searches a hash looking for keys we specify, calling itself if it finds one of the values to be a reference to another hash.

sub recurse_hash {
  # Arguments are a hash ref and a list of keys to find
  my($hash,@findkeys) = @_;

  # Loop over the keys in the hash
  foreach (sort keys %{$hash}) {

    # Get the value for the current key
    my $value = $hash->{$_};

    # See if the value is a hash reference
    if (ref($value) eq 'HASH') {
      # If it is call this function for that hash

    # Don't use an else in case a hash ref value matches our search pattern
    for my $key (@findkeys) {
      if ($key eq $_) {
        print "$_ = $value\n";

# Search for Key4, Key5 and Key6 in %Bean

Gives this output:

Key4 = 4
Key5 = 9
Key6 = 10

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