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What's wrong with my SQL query?

I need a quick look at my SQL query. It's already given me a headache. Comparing some advice I have gotten, I could not figure out the proper format for my SQL.

This is my code:

$query = "INSERT INTO `[my_db_name]`.`members` (`id` ,`first` ,`last` ,`add1` ,`add2` ,`phone_home` ,`phone_cell` ,`phone_dad` ,`phone_mom` ,`email1` ,`email2`)
    VALUES ('NULL' , '".$first."', '".$last."', '".$add1."', '".$add2."', '".$phone_home."', '".$phone_cell."', '".$phone_dad."', '".$phone_mom."', '".$email1."', '".$email2."')";

`mysql_query($query) or die ('Error updating database, Error:' . mysql_error());

Thanks in advance!


Currently I have this as the form:

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

            <form  enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" action="add-member.php">

            <tr class="labels">

                <td class="f">Add a Member</td>
                <td class="l"></td>



                <td class="f"><label for="first">First Name:</label></td>
                <td class="l"><input id="first" type="text"/></td>



                <td class="f"><label for="last">Last Name:</label></td>
                <td class="l"><input id="last" type="text"/></td>



                <td class="f"><label for="add1">Address 1:</label></td>
                <td class="l"><input id="add1" type="text"/></td>



                <td class="f"><label for="add2">Address 2:</label></td>
                <td class="l"><input id="add2" type="text"/></td>



                <td class="f"><label for="phone_home">Home Phone:</label></td>
                <td class="l"><input id="phone_home" type="text"/></td>



                <td class="f"><label for="phone_cell">Cell Phone:</label></td>
                <td class="l"><input id="phone_cell" type="text"/></td>



                <td class="f"><label for="phone_dad">Dad Cell:</label></td>
                <td class="l"><input id="phone_dad" type="text"/></td>



                <td class="f"><label for="phone_mom">Mom Cell:</label></td>
                <td class="l"><input id="phone_mom" type="text"/></td>



                <td class="f"><label for="email1">Email 1:</label></td>
                <td class="l"><input id="email1" type="text"/></td>



                <td class="f"><label for="email2">Email 2:</label></td>
                <td class="l"><input id="email2" type="text"/></td>



This is the insert query:


    $first = $_POST['first'];
    $last = $_POST['last'];
    $add1 = $_POST['add1'];
    $add2 = $_POST['add2'];
    $phone_home = $_POST['phone_home'];
    $phone_cell = $_POST['phone_cell'];
    $phone_dad = $_POST['phone_dad'];
    $phone_mom = $_POST['phone_mom'];
    $email1 = $_POST['email1'];
    $email2 = $_POST['email2'];

    include ("../lib/login.php");

    mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password)
     or die("Unable to connect to MySQL");

    mysql_select_db ([dbname]);

    $query = "INSERT INTO `[dbname]`.`mem_dir` (`id` ,`first` ,`last` ,`add1` ,`add2` ,`phone_home` ,`phone_cell` ,`phone_dad` ,`phone_mom` ,`email1` ,`email2`)
            VALUES (NULL , '$first', '$last', '$add1', '$add2', '$phone_home', '$phone_cell', '$phone_dad', '$phone_mom', '$email1', '$email2')";

    mysql_query($query) or die ('Error updating database, Error:' . mysql_error());

    echo "Database successfully uploaded with:<br/><ul>
    <li>" . $first . "</li>


Seems to submit the entry, but not the values... I'm tired of looking at it and not seeing it. I appreciate all the help. Thanks!


As was pointed out by Salman A , the problem was in fact the form, and the fact that each input was identified with an "id", instead of a "name".

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all the help! I guess my incorrect SQL formatting is another topic, eh?

NULL should not be quoted.

You can simplify the values list (since this seems to be PHP):

VALUES (NULL , '$first', '$last', '$add1', '$add2', '$phone_home', '$phone_cell', '$phone_dad', '$phone_mom', '$email1', '$email2')";

Its the form that smells! Change all:

<input id="yadayada">


<input name="yadayada">
<!--   ^^^^---- you must use the name attribute -->


  • The form tag is misplaced; I suggest that you put the <table> inside the <form> , not the other way round.
  • I do not see a </form> and <input type="submit"> .
  • You do not need a multipart/form-data encoding unless you're uploading files.

NULL values aren't escaped, that's the problem (in case the relative SQL value is really NULL, not a string "NULL")

$query = "INSERT INTO `[my_db_name]`.`members` (`id` ,`first` ,`last` ,`add1` ,`add2` ,`phone_home` ,`phone_cell` ,`phone_dad` ,`phone_mom` ,`email1` ,`email2`)
    VALUES (NULL , '".$first."', '".$last."', '".$add1."', '".$add2."', '".$phone_home."', '".$phone_cell."', '".$phone_dad."', '".$phone_mom."', '".$email1."', '".$email2."')";

Put a semicolon inside your string as well.

What's the error you're getting from the database (look in mysql logs)

Are you planning to enter the string 'NULL' or value of NULL? If it is value then it should not be in quotes. I think that could be the issue

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