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How do I read a unicode url with PHP?

I have a unicode url: \\test.php?sText=Московский

I would like to use the $_Get function to work with the value of sText. The code I have for test.php is:

$sVar = $_GET['sText'];

echo "Variable = $sVar";

Problem is that the above is coming bach as: Variable = ??????????

What do I need to do?

  • You need to return a UTF-8 content-type header with your test.php header('content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
  • You need to save you test.php UTF-8 encoded (not sure about this, but wont hurt anyways)

Thanks for all the feedback.

I have tried all the examples but I still get back question marks, even after saving as utf-8.

Is there a php.ini setting I might need to add/enable maybe to allow unicode support?

Currently, for me anyway, the following code:

<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /></head>
$sVarControl = "Московский";
$sVar = $_GET['sText'];

echo "Control = $sVarControl <br />";
echo "Variable = $sVar <br />";


Produces the following output:

Control = Московский
Variable = ??????????

So the page is capable of working with and displaying unicode. Is this a limitationof the $_GET function maybe?


I have just tried running the page in Google Chrome and it is working perfectly. This leads me to think its an IE setting. But what? And how do I work around it?

This works fine for me:

$sVar = $_GET['sText'];

echo urldecode($sVar);

I've tried to use iconv() function to solve your problem(function's parameters can vary, depending on your system configuration):

$get = iconv('CP1251', 'UTF-8', $_GET['text']);
echo 'Variable = '.$get; // Variable = Московский

You can read about iconv functions . I hope, it'll be useful for you.

I finally resolved this, thank you all for some good tips (see last paragraph of this post for quick answer).

I was doing a few things wrong that was making things difficult.

I first noticed my encoding problems when records were not getting written to my database, the db and tables were all set to utf-8 so that left the php.

To make things simple I created a test php page to demonstrate the problem. As the page was getting ($_GET) values from the url, when I loaded my test page, I did so with a unicode parameter in the url test.php?sText=Московский

The problem for me, I think, was how IE was interoperating the url, for some reason it couldn't decode its or recognise it as unicode. This became aparrent when I launched the failing page im Chrome, and it worked perfectly.

I proceeded to use the following function to output the full url in Chrome and IE

function curPageURL() {
 $pageURL = 'http';
 if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {$pageURL .= "s";}
 $pageURL .= "://";
 if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
 } else {
 return $pageURL;

echo curPageURL();

Internet Explorer 8 echoed the following:

http://localhost/FirstProject/test.php?sText= ??????????

Chrome however, echoed an encoded url:


As you can see chrome was encoding the url automatically, and PHP was automatically reading and decoding it correctly, presumably because I had set the content type to UTF-8 (thanks Philippe).

I still wasn't sure why IE was behaving like this but it pushed me in the direction to encode the url in the calling page. I was calling the page in javascript so I tried the function encodeURIComponent() . Thankfully this worked and now im getting the same result in CHROME and IE.

So long story short, if I use encodeURIComponent() for encoding the calling url an I ensure that I set the content type of the destination php page to header('content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); all unicode url variables are processed correctly.

Thanks again for all your help. Craig

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