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How to attach a debugger to WAS?

I need to attach a debugger to a remote instance of WAS and know that debugging is enabled. The problem is getting WID or whatever IDE I wanted connected to the server so I can step through the code.

I tried using Netbeans to connect and I get handshake failed, connection interrupted. The debugger is listening on port 7777. If I go into the WID admin console, I need a username and password. Would I need the same to attach a debugger, if so, where can I specify that?


Can you not add the following line to the startup script's parameters of WAS:

-Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=7777

And then attach your Netbeans remote debugger on port 7777

WAS can be configured for remote debugging via the web administration console .

It is also possible to configure this without starting WAS - via one of the profile XML files. But I don't remember the details and don't have WAS handy to check.

I think I simply need to enable the service at startup then I should be able to connect? I have to get permission first to do so.

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