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Checking type parameter of a generic method in C#

Is it possible to do something like this in C#:

public void DoSomething<T>(T t)  
    if (T is MyClass)
        MyClass mc = (MyClass)t 
    else if (T is List<MyClass>)
        List<MyClass> lmc = (List<MyClass>)t


if (typeof(T) == typeof(MyClass))
    MyClass mc = (MyClass)(object) t;
else if (typeof(T) == typeof(List<MyClass>))
    List<MyClass> lmc = (List<MyClass>)(object) t;

It's slightly odd that you need to go via a cast to object, but that's just the way that generics work - there aren't as many conversions from a generic type as you might expect.

Of course another alternative is to use the normal execution time check:

MyClass mc = t as MyClass;
if (mc != null)
    // ...
    List<MyClass> lmc = t as List<MyClass>;
    if (lmc != null)
        // ...

That will behave differently to the first code block if t is null, of course.

I would try to avoid this kind of code where possible, however - it can be necessary sometimes, but the idea of generic methods is to be able to write generic code which works the same way for any type.

It's 2017 and we have now C# 7 with pattern matching. If your type T inherit object you can you code like this

void Main()
    DoSomething(new MyClass { a = 5 });
    DoSomething(new List<MyClass> { new MyClass { a = 5 }, new MyClass { a = 5 }});

public void DoSomething(object t)
    switch (t)
        case MyClass c:
            Console.WriteLine($"class.a = {c.a}");
        case List<MyClass> l:
            Console.WriteLine($"list.count = {l.Count}");

class MyClass
    public int a { get; set;}

Starting with C# 7, you can do this in a concise way with the is operator:

public void DoSomething<T>(T value)  
    if (value is MyClass mc)
    else if (value is List<MyClass> lmc)

See documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/is#pattern-matching-with-is

I believe there's something wrong in your design. You want to compare between types in an already generic method. Generics are meant to deal with type-variable situation. I recommend to do it this way..

//Generic Overload 1
public void DoSomething<T>(T t)
    where T : MyClass

//Generic Overload 2
public void DoSomething<T>(T t)
    where T : List<MyClass>

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