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Duplex or request-reply with Apache ActiveMQ WCF Binding configuration question

I am trying to use the Apache.NMS.WCF bindings for a WCF application and get the following error -

Contract requires TwoWay (either request-reply or duplex), but Binding 'NmsBinding' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it.

My system.service model looks like this -


            <add name="nmsTransPort" 
                 type="Apache.NMS.WCF.NmsTransportElement, Apache.NMS.WCF, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=82756feee3957618" />
            <add name="nmsBinding" 
                 type="Apache.NMS.WCF.NmsBindingCollection, Apache.NMS.WCF, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=82756feee3957618" 


        <service name="WcfService1.Service1" behaviorConfiguration="WcfService1.Service1Behavior">
            <!-- Service Endpoints -->

Is there a way to configure the Apache NMS to be duplex or does it just not support it?

A message queue like ActiveMQ is by normally by design only a one-way thing - you can drop messages into it and that's about it.

The real solution if you do need responses back is to reverse the roles: the service you sent a message to on your main contract (one-way) will become the client that sends you back a response on a second queue, on which your app is listening in as the server.

See some MSDN docs and other resources on the topics:

The samples typically use MSMQ since that's natively supported by WCF, but the basic principles of breaking up your tasks into two separate one-way contracts and how to setup and use two separate request and response queues should apply to ActiveMQ just as well.

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