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Python readline on a pipe that has been opened as non-blocking

I have a Linux fifo that has been opened in non-blocking mode. As expected, when I call read on the file object, it returns immediately. I use select to make sure there is no busy waiting, but that my program is still notified when there is any data available. Out of curiosity, I tried the readline function and was surprised to find that readline blocks until a newline character is found. I examined the processor usage via top and it seems like readline does not busy wait. Since my application is performance sensitive, I am wondering if there are any performance implications when using readline on a non-blocking socket.

The core part of Python's readline is in fileobject.c:get_line and is


while ((c = GETC(fp)) != EOF &&
       (*buf++ = c) != '\n' &&
       buf != end)


#define GETC(f) getc_unlocked(f)
#define FLOCKFILE(f) flockfile(f)
#define FUNLOCKFILE(f) funlockfile(f)
#define GETC(f) getc(f)
#define FLOCKFILE(f)
#define FUNLOCKFILE(f)

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