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PHP Doctrine toArray problem

I have a problem with the toArray() method in Doctrine . Its doesn't get my relations:

First query :

$q = Doctrine::getTable('posts')->find(1);

Print the postid=1 with out the relations

$q = Doctrine::getTable('posts')->find(1);

...prints the results with tag relation.

But i want to do:


...and get all of relations of posts , instead I got an array of post row.

Any idea about how to make it work with the relations?

(notice i added toArray(true) for deep property.

thanks for any help

I beleive you need to do a Join with the query. Otherwise it doesnt hydrate the realated data.

$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
    ->from('Post p')
    ->leftJoin('p.RelatedModel1 rm1')
    ->leftJoin('p.RelatedModel2 rm2');


You could create named query for this table with all relations attached:

Doctrine::getTable('posts')->addNamedQuery('get.by.id.with.relations', 'DQL here...');

And then just use something like this:

Doctrine::getTable('posts')->find('get.by.id.with.relations', array(123));
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('Post p')
->leftJoin('p.RelatedModel1 rm1')
->leftJoin('p.RelatedModel2 rm2');


Can i Add ->limit()->offset() to the query ?

I guss that if i first create the query then findAll will act the same as execute right ?

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