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Zend Framework: setting a Zend_Form_Element form field to be required, how do I change the validator used to ensure that the element is not blank

When using a Zend_Form , the only way to validate that an input is not left blank is to do


If this is not set and the element is blank, it appears to me that validation is not run on the element.

If I do use setRequired() , the element is automatically given the standard NotEmpty validator. The thing is that the error message with this validator sucks, "Value is empty, but a non-empty value is required". I want to change this message. At the moment I have done this by changing the Zend_Validate_NotEmpty class, but this is a bit hacky.

I would ideally like to be able to use my own class (derived from Zend_Validate_NotEmpty ) to perform the not empty check.

By default, setRequired(true) tells isValid() to add a NonEmpty validation if one doesn't already exist . Since this validation doesn't exist until isValid() is called, you can't set the message.

The easiest solution is to simply manually add a NonEmpty validation before isValid() is called and set it's message accordingly.

$username = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('username');
         ->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => array('isEmpty' => 'Empty!')));

I did it this way (ZF 1.5):

$name = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('name');
$name->setLabel('Full Name: ')

so, the addValidator() is the interesting part. The Message is set in an "Errormessage File" (to bundle all custom messages in one file):

$MyNotEmpty = new Zend_Validate_NotEmpty();

hope this helps...

Add a NotEmpty validator, and add your own message:

// In the form class:
$username = $this->createElement('text', 'username');
$username->setRequired();  // Note that this seems to be required!
$username->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array(
    'messages' => array(
        'isEmpty' => 'my localized err msg')));

Note that the NotEmpty validator doesn't seem to be triggered unless you've also called setRequired() on the element.

In the controller (or wherever), call $form->setTranslator($yourTranslator) to localize the error message when it's printed to the page.


As far as I can see Changing the error message has no way of changing the message of a specific error. Plus the manual makes it look like like this is a function belonging to Zend_Form, but I get method not found when using it on an instance of Zend_Form.

And example of the useage would be really great.

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