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Add new XElement to an existing XElement if it doesn't already exist

How do I check to see if an element exists within a given element before trying to add it?

Background : I have an XDocument X that contains as a child element Flowers which subsequently contains a series of elements that are each named Flower . Each Flower already has 2 child elements and I would like to add a 3rd element called Price . However, I want to check and make sure there's not already an element for Price within the Flower element. How do I do that? Do I even need to check?

XElement has a HasElements property, which would work if just wanted to know whether any elements existed or not.

For your case, I would use...

XNamespace ns = "http://mynamespace.com";
bool hasPrice = flowerElement.Element(ns + "Price") == null;

..to see if a the price element exists. If not, you can then add it.

Note: if you don't have any namespace set for your XML file, you can use Namespace.None instead of ns .

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