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Using RAII with a character pointer

I see a lot of RAII example classes wrapping around file handles.

I have tried to adapt these examples without luck to a character pointer.

A library that I am using has functions that take the address of a character pointer (declared like get_me_a_string(char **x)). These functions allocate memory for that character pointer and leave it up to the end user of the library to clean it up in their own code.

So, I have code that looks like this...

char* a = NULL;
char* b = NULL;
char* c = NULL;

if(a == NULL){

if(b == NULL){
    if(a != NULL){

if(c == NULL){
    if(a != NULL){
    if(b != NULL){

if(a != NULL){
if(b != NULL){
if(a != NULL){

It sounds like RAII is the answer for this mess that I have above. Could someone provide a simple C++ class that wraps a char* rather than a FILE*?


There's something available already in the standard library: it's called std::string .

Edit: In light of new information:

It will allocate memory and fill it up. I could copy the contents into a new std::string object but I'd still have to free the memory that was allocated by the function.

This is poor design on the implementor's part -- the module that allocates should be responsible for deallocation.

Okay, now that I've got that out of my system: you could use a boost::shared_ptr for freeing.

template<typename T>
struct free_functor
    void operator() (T* ptr)
shared_ptr<X> px(&x, free_functor());

A very basic implementation (that you should make noncopyable etc).

struct CharWrapper {
    char* str;
    CharWrapper(): str() {}  // Initialize NULL
    ~CharWrapper() { free(str); }
    // Conversions to be usable with C functions
    operator char**() { return &str; }
    operator char*() { return str; }

This is technically not RAII, as proper initialization happens later than at the constructor, but it will take care of cleanup.

You could try something like this:

template <typename T>
class AutoDeleteArray
    explicit AutoDeleteArray(const T* ptr)
        : ptr_(ptr)
        delete [] ptr_;
        // if needed use free instead
        // free(ptr_);

    T *ptr_;

// and then you can use it like:
    char* a = NULL;

    if(a == NULL)

    AutoDeleteArray<char> auto_delete_a(a);

It is not the most reliable solution, but could be enough for the purpose.

PS: I'm wondering would std::tr1::shared_ptr with custom deleter work as well?

i think auto_ptr is what you want

or boost shared_ptr if the auto_ptr semantics dont work for you

对本地数组使用plain std::stringboost :: scoped_array ,对于共享字符串使用boost :: shared_array (后者允许您提供自定义删除以调用free() 。)

Thanks everyone for your answers.

Unfortunately, I cannot use boost, or other libraries on this project... so all of those suggestions are useless to me.

I have looked at things like exception handling in C like here... http://www.halfbakery.com/idea/C_20exception_20handling_20macros

And then I looked at why C++ doesn't have a finally like Java does and came across this RAII stuff.

I'm still not sure if I will go the destructor way and make the code C++ only, or stick with C exception macro's (which use the dreaded goto:)

Tronic suggested something like the following. With RAII, or destructors in general, are they supposed to be segfault proof? I'm guessing not.

The only thing that I don't like is the fact that I now have to use a cast (char*) in my printf statements.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct CharWrapper {
    char* str;
    CharWrapper(): str() {}  // Initialize NULL
    ~CharWrapper() {
        printf("%d auto-freed\n", str);
    // Conversions to be usable with C functions
    operator char*()  { return  str; }
    operator char**() { return &str; }

// a crappy library function that relies
// on the caller to free the memory
int get_a_str(char **x){
    *x = (char*)malloc(80 * sizeof(char));
    strcpy(*x, "Hello there!");
    printf("%d allocated\n", *x);
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    CharWrapper cw;
    if(argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "segfault") == 0){
        // lets segfault
        int *bad_ptr = NULL;
        bad_ptr[8675309] = 8675309;
    printf("the string is : '%s'\n", (char*)cw);
    return 0;

An alternative solution would be something like this, which is how I would write this code in C:

char* a = NULL;
char* b = NULL;
char* c = NULL;

if (!a) {
    goto cleanup;

if (!b) {
    goto cleanup;

if (!c) {
    goto cleanup;

/* ... */

/* free-ing a NULL pointer will not cause any issues
 * ( see C89- or C99-
 * but you can include those checks here as well
 * if you are so inclined */

Since you are saying you can't use boost, it isn't very hard to write a very simple smart pointer which doesn't share or transfer resources.

Here's something basic. You can specify a deleter functor as a template parameter. I'm not particularly fond of conversion operators, so use the get() method instead.

Add other methods like release() and reset() at will.

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>

struct Free_er
    void operator()(char* p) const { free(p); }

template <class T, class Deleter>
class UniquePointer
    T* ptr;
    UniquePointer(const UniquePointer&);
    UniquePointer& operator=(const UniquePointer&);
    explicit UniquePointer(T* p = 0): ptr(p) {}
    ~UniquePointer() { Deleter()(ptr); }
    T* get() const { return ptr; }
    T** address() { return &ptr; } //it is risky to give out this, but oh well...

void stupid_fun(char** s)
    *s = static_cast<char*>(std::malloc(100));

int main()
    UniquePointer<char, Free_er> my_string;
    std::strcpy(my_string.get(), "Hello world");

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