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Set the hardware clock in Python?

如何在嵌入式 Linux 系统上使用 Python 设置硬件时钟?

Probably no easy way other than doing an os.system() call.

import os
os.system('hwclock --set %s' % date_str)

or using the 'date' command

import os
os.system('date -s %s' % date_str)

or if you are dying to do some c coding, wrapping the system calls with swig... but I think that would be more work than its worth.

An updated version on Ubuntu 16.04:

import subprocess
import shlex

subprocess.call(shlex.split("timedatectl set-ntp false"))  # May be necessary
subprocess.call(shlex.split("sudo date -s '2 OCT 2006 18:00:00'"))
subprocess.call(shlex.split("sudo hwclock -w"))

Important note : you may need to change the time/date settings to manually set ( set-ntp false ) or else it will immediately change it back to the current time.

hwclock -w sets the hardware clock based on the current system time (set by date )

It is required that date & hwclock are run as sudo as well.

使用 Python 的os.system函数调用hwclock命令。

This uses ioctl to set the hardware clock as requested (but not the system clock). It avoids extra processes but is more involved. I am using pytz and dateutil to handle local/utc conversions. Feel free to use the code (3-clause BSD License). Get the clock with get_hwclock() and set it with set_hwclock() ...

from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
from fcntl import ioctl
import struct
from dateutil.tz import tzutc
from pytz import timezone

# From `uapi/asm-generic/ioctl.h`

_IOC_NRMASK = (1 << _IOC_NRBITS) - 1



def _IOC(dir, type, nr, size):
    return ((dir << _IOC_DIRSHIFT) |
            (type << _IOC_TYPESHIFT) |
            (nr << _IOC_NRSHIFT) |
            (size << _IOC_SIZESHIFT))

    return len(t)

def _IO(type, nr):
    return _IOC(_IOC_NONE, type, nr, 0)

def _IOR(type, nr, size):
    return _IOC(_IOC_READ, type, nr, _IOC_TYPECHECK(size))

def _IOW(type, nr, size):
    return _IOC(_IOC_WRITE, type, nr, _IOC_TYPECHECK(size))

def to_utc(dtobj):
    if dtobj.tzinfo is None:
        dtobj = timezone("UTC").localize(
            dtobj.replace(tzinfo=None) - tzlocal().utcoffset(dtobj))
    return dtobj.astimezone(timezone("UTC"))

class RtcTime(namedtuple(
    # man(4) rtc
    "tm_sec tm_min tm_hour "
    "tm_mday tm_mon tm_year "
    "tm_wday tm_yday tm_isdst"  # Last row is unused.

    _fmt = 9 * "i"

    def __new__(cls, tm_sec=0, tm_min=0, tm_hour=0,
                tm_mday=0, tm_mon=0, tm_year=0,
                tm_wday=0, tm_yday=0, tm_isdst=0):
        return super(RtcTime, cls).__new__(cls, tm_sec, tm_min, tm_hour,
                                            tm_mday, tm_mon, tm_year,
                                            tm_wday, tm_yday, tm_isdst)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.to_datetime().isoformat()

    def from_datetime(cls, dtobj):
        dt = to_utc(dtobj)
        return cls(tm_sec=dt.second, tm_min=dt.minute, tm_hour=dt.hour,
                   tm_mday=dt.day, tm_mon=dt.month - 1, tm_year=dt.year - 1900)

    def to_datetime(self):
        # From `hwclock.c`.
        return datetime(
            year=self.tm_year + 1900, month=self.tm_mon + 1, day=self.tm_mday,
            hour=self.tm_hour, minute=self.tm_min, second=self.tm_sec,

    def pack(self):
        return struct.pack(self._fmt, *self)

    def unpack(cls, buffer):
        return cls._make(struct.unpack(cls._fmt, buffer))

# From `uapi/linux/rtc.h`
rtc_time = RtcTime().pack()
RTC_RD_TIME = _IOR(ord("p"), 0x09, rtc_time)   # 0x80247009
RTC_SET_TIME = _IOW(ord("p"), 0x0a, rtc_time)  # 0x4024700a
del rtc_time

def get_hwclock(devrtc="/dev/rtc"):
    with open(devrtc) as rtc:
        ret = ioctl(rtc, RTC_RD_TIME, RtcTime().pack())
    return RtcTime.unpack(ret).to_datetime()

def set_hwclock(dt, devrtc="/dev/rtc"):
    with open(devrtc) as rtc:
        ioctl(rtc, RTC_SET_TIME, RtcTime.from_datetime(dt).pack())

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