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Change the name of HREF link

I have the following link

<a href="example.com" id="example1"> Go to example....</a>

Is it possible that when a body moves the cursor over "Go to example..." it changes to "Go to example One" , i am using php and jquery. Any help will be appreciated.

Shouldn't be too difficult using jQuery:

    .mouseover(function(e) { $(this).text('Go to example One') })
    .mouseout(function(e) { $(this).text('Go to example...') });

Remove the second bind if you don't need it to go back to "..." when the user moves the mouse away.

Edit: Forgot about the mouseover helper method

Try this out..

$('#example1').mouseover(function() {
    $(this).text('Go to example One');

Ya missed the # I was trying to get in quick ;)

        $(this).text('Go to example One');

or you can use the hover function like

      function () {
        $(this).text('Go to example one');
      function () {
        $(this).text('Go to example....');

The .hover() helper is useful here, to prevent annoying event bubbling:

var elem = $('#examle1'), orig = elem.text();
    function() { $(this).text('Go to example One'); },
    function() { $(this).text(orig); }

You can even do that with CSS only. You just need two elements in your link that you can address like:

<a href="example.com" id="example1"> Go to example <em>…</em> <span>One</span></a>

And the corresponding CSS behavior:

a span,
a:hover em {
    display: none;
a:hover span {
    display: inline;

here is the PHP code

class="trackTitle"> <a href="<?php print  "play/".$link;?>" title="Listen or Download <?php echo $hoverActual ?>"  onmouseover="javascript:changeTo('<?php echo $hoverActual; ?>');"><?php echo $fileName; ?></a></span>

where the Function changeTo is used, i want to change $fileName; .

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