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jQuery TreeView with ASP.NET MVC how to pass argument to url

Here's the problem:

I'm trying to do an Active Directory Explorer with Asynch. jQuery TreeView. In standard ASP.NEt it was fairly easy with builtin TreeView and some events in code-behind.

The problem is that I don't exactly know how can I pass different arguments depending on which treeview leaf is being expanded. Based on this example http://view.jquery.com/trunk/plugins/treeview/demo/async.html I can see that there is a very simple if with PHP and the 'root' argument is passed on page load.


I have this tree:


and i want to call MyController/MyAction/B when expanding B. Should I add some method in

<script type="text/javascript">
            url: "source.php"
                        toggle: do_something_here?

I'm kinda stuck in here, so any help would be appreciated.

As yoiu can see if you use Firebug with the demo, expanding the node fires a GET request for data:


The response is just JSON:

        "text": "1. Review of existing structures",
        "expanded": true,
                "text": "1.1 jQuery core"
                "text": "1.2 metaplugins"
        "text": "2. Wrapper plugins"
        "text": "3. Summary"
        "text": "4. Questions and answers"


So you could write an MVC action (don't use .php in the URI, though!):

public JsonResult Source(string root)
    var model = new object[]
                text = "1. Review of existing structures",
                expanded = true,
                children = new object[] 
                         text = "1.1 jQuery core",
                         text = "1.2 metaplugins"
              text = "2. Wrapper plugins"
              text = "3. Summary"
              text = "4. Questions and answers"
   return Json(model);

From here, it should be obvious how to switch based on the root argument.

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