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How do I validate that two values do not equal each other in a Rails model?

I have a User model, which has an email and a password field. For security, these may not be equal to each other. How can I define this in my model?

Create custom validataion :

validate :check_email_and_password

def check_email_and_password
  errors.add(:password, "can't be the same as email") if email == password

But keep in mind that storing password as a plain text is bad idea. You should store it hashed. Try some authentication plugin like authlogic or Restful authentication .

New way:

validates :password, exclusion: { in: lambda{ |user| [user.email] } }


validates :password, exclusion: { in: ->(user) { [user.email] } }

You can use a custom validation method to check this.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  # ...

  def validate
    if (self.email == self.password)
      errors.add(:password, "password cannot equal email")
      errors.add(:email, "email cannot equal password")

it is much wiser to use custom validator, here is code for universal validator that can be used

class ValuesNotEqualValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
  def validate(record)
    if options[:fields].any? && options[:fields].size >= 2
      field_values = options[:fields].collect { |f| record.send(f) }
      unless field_values.size == field_values.uniq.size
        record.errors[:base] <<
            (options[:msg].blank? ? "fields: #{options[:fields].join(", ")} - should not be equal" :
      raise "#{self.class.name} require at least two fields as options [e.g. fields: [:giver_id, :receiver_id]"

and then use it like:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  # ...
  validates_with ValuesNotEqualValidator, fields: [:email, :password], msg: "This Person is evil"

It depends how Your password is stored:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
    validate :email_and_password_validation

    def email_and_password_validation
        if self.email == self.password
            errors.add_to_base("Password must be different from email") 

This would work if Your password is stored literally, but You can perform the same thing with email (eg create a hashed version) and check for equality with password. Eg:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
    validate :email_and_password_validation

    def email_and_password_validation
        if make_hash(self.email) == self.hashed_password
            errors.add_to_base("Password must be different from email") 

My example is taken from http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Validations/ClassMethods.html#M002162

Your situation is quite general so You can be interested in creating custom validation method. Everything is covered here: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_validations_callbacks.html#creating-custom-validation-methods

more fun:

  validates :password, exclusion: { in: ->(person) { [person.email] }, message: "cannot use protected password" }

which might be even better in this case, since you could check for other forbidden values with something like

  validates :password, exclusion: { in: ->(person) { [person.email, person.first_name, person.last_name, person.phone_number, person.department_name] }, message: "cannot use protected password" }

all you need is to create validation rule in your model for example

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  def validate_on_create
    if email == password
      errors.add("password", "email and password can't be the same")

If you want to support multiple languages, you have to come up with another solution, which translates the error messages and the attribute names. So I created a new each validator for that.

validators/values_not_equal_validator.rb :
 class ValuesNotEqualValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator def validate(record) @past = Hash.new super end def validate_each(record, attribute, value) @past.each do |k, v| if v == value record.errors.add(attribute, I18n.t('errors.messages.should_not_be_equal_to') + " " + record.class.human_attribute_name(k)) end end @past[attribute] = value end end

I call it in the model like this:

 class User < ActiveRecord::Base validates :forename, :surname, values_not_equal: true end

And I translate it the messages like this:

 de: activerecord: attributes: user: forename: 'Vorname' surname: 'Nachname' errors: messages: should_not_be_equal_to: 'darf nicht gleich sein wie'

By using custom validations we can do this operation

validate :validate_address

def validate_address
errors.add(:permenent_address, "can't be the same as present_address") if self.present_address== self.permenent_address end

Ruby on Rails 7.0 添加了validates_comparison_of这样的validates_comparison_of验证的支持

validates :password, comparison: { other_than: :email }

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